Industrial-strength spray adhesives deliver exceptionally strong bonding agents in significant quantities for a variety of industrial, commercial and other uses. Whether bonding wood, metal, plastics or some other material, industrial-strength adhesives deliver many great solutions for bonding problems.
Those industrial adhesive bonding solutions come with one big problem – how to contain the adhesive until you need it. Fortunately, the adhesives industry has ready-made solutions for packaging and storage via spray adhesive tanks, also referred to as spray adhesive cylinders.

Spray adhesive tanks handle packaging and long-term storage duties very well. The tanks readily convert into fully functioning spray tanks when it is time to use the adhesives.
Various Sizes of Spray Adhesive Tanks
Spray tanks come in four general sizes to enable proper storage and application of various industrial adhesives. Some adhesives require smaller tanks and higher application pressures to work properly while others benefit from larger tanks and lower application pressures. Make sure to check out all of our sprayable adhesives.
The four general sizes for spray adhesive tanks are:
- Mini, which measures about 7 inches wide 15 inches high and weighs less than 4 pounds when empty.
- Large, which measures about 12 inches wide by 18 inches tall and weighs about 11 pounds when empty.
- Intermediate, which measures about 15 inches wide by 47 inches tall and weighs 75 pounds when empty.
- Jumbo, which measures about 24 inches wide by 45 inches tall and weighs 225 pounds when empty.

Infinity Spray 770 – Large size tank
The large variation in spray adhesive tank sizes shows they are capable of handling virtually any type of adhesive and in volumes that are ideal for relatively small tasks to fully industrial applications. Given the very heavy weight of jumbo tanks, they typically come attached to wooden pallets that enable workers to move them more easily to where they need them the most.
Ambient Temperature Affects Adhesives
Another reason for the wide variation in tank sizes and weights is their ability to insulate against the ambient temperature. Extreme temperatures can have very negative effects on industrial spray adhesives, including rendering them virtually impossible to spray due to coagulation and other effects from very cold temperatures or liquefaction caused by hotter temperatures during summer months or in work locations that are exposed to relatively high heat.
Other Gear Helps Spray Adhesive Tanks Work Their Best
A tank is generally useless if it does nothing more than hold the adhesive. The pressurized spray adhesive tanks need to enable a controlled application so that you can apply the correct amount of adhesive exactly where you need it. To do that, spray adhesive tanks need additional equipment to deliver the exceptional service for which they are very capable. In addition to a tank, all spray adhesive systems require:
- Fittings, which connect the tank to the hose and enables you to control the flow and shut it off when done using the adhesive.
- Hoses, which route the spray adhesive to the applicators.
- Applicators, which enable you to apply the adhesive where it is needed.
- Tips, which give operators precise control over the spray pattern.
Applicator for spray adhesive tanks
The fittings generally maintain the internal pressure and enable you to precisely control the amount of spray adhesive. Some adhesives require higher pressures to flow properly while others need lower air volume to lay down properly without wasting the adhesive material or having it flow where you do not need it or want it.
The hoses are capable of handling the higher pressures and safely route the adhesive spray to the applicators which is where much of the magic really occurs. The applicators often are shaped like a typical spray gun used in the automotive industry to do auto body repairs and paint. A long handle in front enables you to grasp the applicator with your entire hand and initiate the spray with the fittings helping you to dial in the correct pressure for the ideal application.
The applicator does not work right without using the proper tip and spray pattern. The tip enables the spray unit to atomize the adhesive and produce a very controlled spray pattern that enables you to apply the adhesive exactly where you need it and shut off the flow to prevent excessive buildup. The spray patterns usually are either vertical or horizontal and can change from one to another.

You could use more angled spray patterns if needed, but the hose and applicators generally provide workers with enough range to physically adjust the application as needed for the best results. Automation also can make use of spray adhesive tanks for industrial applications.
Find Your Ideal Solution Among Spray Adhesive Tanks
We offer a number of different popular spray adhesive tanks. Our experienced and professional staff can explain how each tank size works best for different applications and which adhesive may be right for your application. We also can help you to learn more about the various fittings, applicators, tips and hoses that produce the best results for particular spray adhesives.
Contact us for advice on spray adhesive tanks for your application.