Most companies do not have time to test different adhesives for their application. Even worse, the wrong product could lead to problems with the final product and cost your company a lot of money. To avoid making such a costly mistake, we may be able to help. 

Our Lab Services 

As part of APPLIED Adhesives, we have three technical innovation centers including one with an ISO 9001:2015 certification. With the latest adhesive technology at their disposal, our lab technicians conduct experiments to find data-driven results for high-quality adhesive solutions that can streamline your traditional trial and error process.

Some of our lab capabilities include: 

  • Substrate testing and analysis 
  • Bond evaluation and conditioning 
  • IOPP/PAFT/SAFT testing 
  • Joint design evaluation and consultation 
  • Bond forensics and troubleshooting 
  • Instron force testing 
  • Thermal stability and thermal cycling testing  
  • Fiber tear and failure mode analysis 

How It Works 

  1. Fill out a lab request detailing your issues or needs. 
  2. We design an appropriate experiment and may ask you to send in your substrates for testing.  
  3. We conduct the experiment. 
  4. We send you a full lab report with our findings and recommendations.  

We often run tests based on American Society of Test Methods (ASTM) standards, but every customer’s needs are different. If necessary, we will modify these experiments or design our own to get the most relevant results for your needs.  

We also do our best to replicate your production process and will use your substrates to get the most accurate results. Our lab technicians look at the current adhesive being used and compare it to a wide range of other high-quality products. Typically, several trials are done with each product to minimize inaccurate results.  

Once complete, our technicians will create a detailed lab report that not only lays out the results but also includes product recommendations. These recommendations are based on the findings from the experiment as well as product costs.

We may find that your current product works best, recommend an alternative product with better cost savings, or provide ideas on a customized adhesive solution. In some cases, we may even be able to offer you a free sample of a recommended product.